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SCAR is a beautiful and easy to use screen recorder and screenshot capturing app. It provides massive video and photo editing features for your screen recordings, screenshots, and external media. Get it now and see for yourself. Features Sticky Notification Use the sticky notification to easily start and/or stop capture service without even opening the app. 4K Scr...
Contacts APK for Android
ZenUI Dialer & Contacts is an all-in-one contacts, dialer, and call log app that offers powerful phone call features enabling you to block calls from unknown callers and spam senders, use speed dial, link duplicate contacts, run smart search, view history with all important info and personalize your own theme on your dialer, call log, and contacts. Block calls...
PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition) edelweiss-20230927-5d010fc-v3_openjdk APK for Android
Peoples now days looking for download PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition) APK for Android due to many reasons. PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition) APK is a software for Android which is published in Action/Adventure category on Patztech.com and developed or published by artdeell.It's a one of the Free app available at patztech.com. The license of PojavLaunc...
Program, play, and share your own games, animations, interactive art, music videos, and many kinds of other apps, directly on your phone! Pocket Code allows you to create, edit, execute, share, and remix Catrobat programs in a visual programming environment and programming language. You can remix programs that others have made and share them with your friends and...